I have often been asked how I stay motivated on a day to day basis. The answer I tend to give starts with being lucky enough to have found what I strongly believe I’m meant to do - be creative. In addition to having found my purpose in creativity, I also have a yearning to help others in many different ways. I continue working so hard towards my goals because I believe it will allow me the greatest opportunity to help as many people as I'm able to with finding their purpose, and sharing some tools I use for healing mental health.
Since having found photography, and creativity as a whole, I have noticed huge changes in myself. I am now able to live life completely sober and be happy about it. I have found a sort of therapy in creativity and for that I'm so grateful. It allows me an escape, a singular focus, and it lets me be the true me. It allows me to let go of what others think of me. I am finally free from a life held down by self-deprecating thoughts and worries of others opinions of my journey. Previously these worries brought anxiety, depression and addiction to alcohol and weed, but no longer. I don’t feel weighed down by doubts and am free of pessimistic thoughts and actions.
Like the ones that have gone before me in the mission to become a successful entrepreneur, I have struggled, I’ve cried (a lot), and I’ve felt like giving up so many times I’ve lost count. Through all the hardships of chasing my dream, I’ve always been able to count on the assistance offered by others. The largest supporter of my dream, particularly in the last 10 months of my life, has been my absolutely amazing girlfriend, Alison. She is the talented editor behind this blog (she makes it actually readable), she is my business partner, my comedian, my best friend, my pillar of support and most of all my love. She is an incredibly selfless person and has taught me what it means to be the best ‘me’ I can be every day. She's taught me how to help and support others whenever possible, and to stand up for what you believe in most, always.
I want to take this time to share how I use my passions to quiet my ADHD, anxiety, depression, and self-doubt, in hopes that it might help others who read this. Over the last 4 years I have stumbled across a few things that have really helped my mental health issues personally. While we’re all different and it may not work for you on your journey, maybe it will shed light on some tools you can use. Until recently, when I would become overwhelmed it would consume my thoughts and make me crash. I would smoke weed, drink, do anything to make the feeling go away. Now, whenever I start to feel overwhelmed, I will invest my time into growing my business and researching my competition such as Lucas Scarfone, MR SUL K, Jordan Satok, and many other amazingly talented people. I take photos, and edit them, and I speak to others to find out what they want to do with their lives (this is a common practice in my UBER driving). My way of feeling more certain about my journey is to do my favourite things like snowboarding, skateboarding, photography, attending automotive gatherings and events. I take time out of each day to explore my heart and mind for ways to grow as a person. I write this blog to share my thoughts and get my feelings out. I want to share with others, so as they may see that there are people going through struggles just like them and that there are others willing to help them through it. We are all one big family of people meant to help each other, build each other up and be there for one another as we traverse the big blue beyond. If I can help even one person follow their dreams with my words, then I’ll be stoked that I have been writing this blog. Please - if you ever need help, reach out to me. My number is (289)385-3850 and my email is richard@releasetheshutter.com. I’d be willing to discuss anything, or just listen to what you have to say. Thanks for reading.
Your friend, in happiness
Richard Hornby